import * as asn1js from "asn1js";
import { getParametersValue, bufferToHexCodes, clearProps } from "pvutils";
import { getEngine } from "./common.js";
import AlgorithmIdentifier from "./AlgorithmIdentifier.js";
import RelativeDistinguishedNames from "./RelativeDistinguishedNames.js";
import Time from "./Time.js";
import RevokedCertificate from "./RevokedCertificate.js";
import Extensions from "./Extensions.js";
function tbsCertList(parameters = {})
//TBSCertList ::= SEQUENCE {
// version Version OPTIONAL,
// -- if present, MUST be v2
// signature AlgorithmIdentifier,
// issuer Name,
// thisUpdate Time,
// nextUpdate Time OPTIONAL,
// revokedCertificates SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
// userCertificate CertificateSerialNumber,
// revocationDate Time,
// crlEntryExtensions Extensions OPTIONAL
// -- if present, version MUST be v2
// crlExtensions [0] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
// -- if present, version MUST be v2
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} [blockName]
* @property {string} [tbsCertListVersion]
* @property {string} [signature]
* @property {string} [issuer]
* @property {string} [tbsCertListThisUpdate]
* @property {string} [tbsCertListNextUpdate]
* @property {string} [tbsCertListRevokedCertificates]
* @property {string} [crlExtensions]
const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {});
return (new asn1js.Sequence({
name: (names.blockName || "tbsCertList"),
value: [
new asn1js.Integer({
optional: true,
name: (names.tbsCertListVersion || "tbsCertList.version"),
value: 2
}), // EXPLICIT integer value (v2)
AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signature || {
names: {
blockName: "tbsCertList.signature"
RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.issuer || {
names: {
blockName: "tbsCertList.issuer"
Time.schema(names.tbsCertListThisUpdate || {
names: {
utcTimeName: "tbsCertList.thisUpdate",
generalTimeName: "tbsCertList.thisUpdate"
Time.schema(names.tbsCertListNextUpdate || {
names: {
utcTimeName: "tbsCertList.nextUpdate",
generalTimeName: "tbsCertList.nextUpdate"
}, true),
new asn1js.Sequence({
optional: true,
value: [
new asn1js.Repeated({
name: (names.tbsCertListRevokedCertificates || "tbsCertList.revokedCertificates"),
value: new asn1js.Sequence({
value: [
new asn1js.Integer(),
Extensions.schema({}, true)
new asn1js.Constructed({
optional: true,
idBlock: {
tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
tagNumber: 0 // [0]
value: [Extensions.schema(names.crlExtensions || {
names: {
blockName: "tbsCertList.extensions"
* Class from RFC5280
export default class CertificateRevocationList {
* Constructor for Attribute class
* @param {Object} [parameters={}]
* @property {Object} [schema] asn1js parsed value
constructor(parameters = {})
//region Internal properties of the object
* @type {ArrayBuffer}
* @description tbs
this.tbs = getParametersValue(parameters, "tbs", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("tbs"));
* @type {number}
* @description version
this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, "version", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("version"));
* @type {AlgorithmIdentifier}
* @description signature
this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, "signature", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("signature"));
* @type {RelativeDistinguishedNames}
* @description issuer
this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, "issuer", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("issuer"));
* @type {Time}
* @description thisUpdate
this.thisUpdate = getParametersValue(parameters, "thisUpdate", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("thisUpdate"));
if("nextUpdate" in parameters)
* @type {Time}
* @description nextUpdate
this.nextUpdate = getParametersValue(parameters, "nextUpdate", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("nextUpdate"));
if("revokedCertificates" in parameters)
* @type {Array.<RevokedCertificate>}
* @description revokedCertificates
this.revokedCertificates = getParametersValue(parameters, "revokedCertificates", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("revokedCertificates"));
if("crlExtensions" in parameters)
* @type {Extensions}
* @description crlExtensions
this.crlExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, "crlExtensions", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("crlExtensions"));
* @type {AlgorithmIdentifier}
* @description signatureAlgorithm
this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, "signatureAlgorithm", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("signatureAlgorithm"));
* @type {BitString}
* @description signatureValue
this.signatureValue = getParametersValue(parameters, "signatureValue", CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("signatureValue"));
//region If input argument array contains "schema" for this object
if("schema" in parameters)
* Return default values for all class members
* @param {string} memberName String name for a class member
static defaultValues(memberName)
case "tbs":
return new ArrayBuffer(0);
case "version":
return 1;
case "signature":
return new AlgorithmIdentifier();
case "issuer":
return new RelativeDistinguishedNames();
case "thisUpdate":
return new Time();
case "nextUpdate":
return new Time();
case "revokedCertificates":
return [];
case "crlExtensions":
return new Extensions();
case "signatureAlgorithm":
return new AlgorithmIdentifier();
case "signatureValue":
return new asn1js.BitString();
throw new Error(`Invalid member name for CertificateRevocationList class: ${memberName}`);
* Return value of asn1js schema for current class
* @param {Object} parameters Input parameters for the schema
* @returns {Object} asn1js schema object
static schema(parameters = {})
//CertificateList ::= SEQUENCE {
// tbsCertList TBSCertList,
// signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
// signatureValue BIT STRING }
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} [blockName]
* @property {string} [signatureAlgorithm]
* @property {string} [signatureValue]
const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {});
return (new asn1js.Sequence({
name: (names.blockName || "CertificateList"),
value: [
AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || {
names: {
blockName: "signatureAlgorithm"
new asn1js.BitString({ name: (names.signatureValue || "signatureValue") })
* Convert parsed asn1js object into current class
* @param {!Object} schema
//region Clear input data first
clearProps(schema, [
//region Check the schema is valid
const asn1 = asn1js.compareSchema(schema,
if(asn1.verified === false)
throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for CertificateRevocationList");
//region Get internal properties from parsed schema
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
this.tbs = asn1.result.tbsCertList.valueBeforeDecode;
if("tbsCertList.version" in asn1.result)
this.version = asn1.result["tbsCertList.version"].valueBlock.valueDec;
this.signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result["tbsCertList.signature"] });
this.issuer = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result["tbsCertList.issuer"] });
this.thisUpdate = new Time({ schema: asn1.result["tbsCertList.thisUpdate"] });
if("tbsCertList.nextUpdate" in asn1.result)
this.nextUpdate = new Time({ schema: asn1.result["tbsCertList.nextUpdate"] });
if("tbsCertList.revokedCertificates" in asn1.result)
this.revokedCertificates = Array.from(asn1.result["tbsCertList.revokedCertificates"], element => new RevokedCertificate({ schema: element }));
if("tbsCertList.extensions" in asn1.result)
this.crlExtensions = new Extensions({ schema: asn1.result["tbsCertList.extensions"] });
this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm });
this.signatureValue = asn1.result.signatureValue;
//region Create array for output sequence
const outputArray = [];
if(this.version !== CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("version"))
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Integer({ value: this.version }));
if("nextUpdate" in this)
if("revokedCertificates" in this)
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Sequence({
value: Array.from(this.revokedCertificates, element => element.toSchema())
if("crlExtensions" in this)
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
optional: true,
idBlock: {
tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
tagNumber: 0 // [0]
value: [
return (new asn1js.Sequence({
value: outputArray
* Convert current object to asn1js object and set correct values
* @returns {Object} asn1js object
toSchema(encodeFlag = false)
//region Decode stored TBS value
let tbsSchema;
if(encodeFlag === false)
if(this.tbs.length === 0) // No stored TBS part
return CertificateRevocationList.schema();
tbsSchema = asn1js.fromBER(this.tbs).result;
//region Create TBS schema via assembling from TBS parts
tbsSchema = this.encodeTBS();
//region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object
return (new asn1js.Sequence({
value: [
* Convertion for the class to JSON object
* @returns {Object}
const object = {
tbs: bufferToHexCodes(this.tbs, 0, this.tbs.byteLength),
signature: this.signature.toJSON(),
issuer: this.issuer.toJSON(),
thisUpdate: this.thisUpdate.toJSON(),
signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(),
signatureValue: this.signatureValue.toJSON()
if(this.version !== CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues("version"))
object.version = this.version;
if("nextUpdate" in this)
object.nextUpdate = this.nextUpdate.toJSON();
if("revokedCertificates" in this)
object.revokedCertificates = Array.from(this.revokedCertificates, element => element.toJSON());
if("crlExtensions" in this)
object.crlExtensions = this.crlExtensions.toJSON();
return object;
//region Check that issuer of the input certificate is the same with issuer of this CRL
if(this.issuer.isEqual(certificate.issuer) === false)
return false;
//region Check that there are revoked certificates in this CRL
if(("revokedCertificates" in this) === false)
return false;
//region Search for input certificate in revoked certificates array
for(const revokedCertificate of this.revokedCertificates)
return true;
return false;
* Make a signature for existing CRL data
* @param {Object} privateKey Private key for "subjectPublicKeyInfo" structure
* @param {string} [hashAlgorithm] Hashing algorithm. Default SHA-1
sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1")
//region Initial checking
//region Get a private key from function parameter
if(typeof privateKey === "undefined")
return Promise.reject("Need to provide a private key for signing");
//region Initial variables
let sequence = Promise.resolve();
let parameters;
const engine = getEngine();
//region Get a "default parameters" for current algorithm and set correct signature algorithm
sequence = sequence.then(() => engine.subtle.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm));
sequence = sequence.then(result =>
parameters = result.parameters;
this.signature = result.signatureAlgorithm;
this.signatureAlgorithm = result.signatureAlgorithm;
//region Create TBS data for signing
sequence = sequence.then(() =>
this.tbs = this.encodeTBS().toBER(false);
//region Signing TBS data on provided private key
sequence = sequence.then(() => engine.subtle.signWithPrivateKey(this.tbs, privateKey, parameters));
sequence = sequence.then(result =>
this.signatureValue = new asn1js.BitString({ valueHex: result });
return sequence;
* Verify existing signature
* @param {{[issuerCertificate]: Object, [publicKeyInfo]: Object}} parameters
* @returns {*}
verify(parameters = {})
//region Global variables
let sequence = Promise.resolve();
let subjectPublicKeyInfo = -1;
const engine = getEngine();
//region Get information about CRL issuer certificate
if("issuerCertificate" in parameters) // "issuerCertificate" must be of type "Certificate"
subjectPublicKeyInfo = parameters.issuerCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo;
// The CRL issuer name and "issuerCertificate" subject name are not equal
if(this.issuer.isEqual(parameters.issuerCertificate.subject) === false)
return Promise.resolve(false);
//region In case if there is only public key during verification
if("publicKeyInfo" in parameters)
subjectPublicKeyInfo = parameters.publicKeyInfo; // Must be of type "PublicKeyInfo"
if(("subjectPublicKey" in subjectPublicKeyInfo) === false)
return Promise.reject("Issuer's certificate must be provided as an input parameter");
//region Check the CRL for unknown critical extensions
if("crlExtensions" in this)
for(const extension of this.crlExtensions.extensions)
// We can not be sure that unknown extension has no value for CRL signature
if(("parsedValue" in extension) === false)
return Promise.resolve(false);
sequence = sequence.then(() => engine.subtle.verifyWithPublicKey(this.tbs, this.signatureValue, subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm));
return sequence;