import * as asn1js from "asn1js";
import { getParametersValue, isEqualBuffer, clearProps } from "pvutils";
import { getCrypto, getAlgorithmByOID } from "./common.js";
import MessageImprint from "./MessageImprint.js";
import Accuracy from "./Accuracy.js";
import GeneralName from "./GeneralName.js";
import Extension from "./Extension.js";
* Class from RFC3161
export default class TSTInfo
* Constructor for TSTInfo class
* @param {Object} [parameters={}]
* @property {Object} [schema] asn1js parsed value
constructor(parameters = {})
//region Internal properties of the object
* @type {number}
* @description version
this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, "version", TSTInfo.defaultValues("version"));
* @type {string}
* @description policy
this.policy = getParametersValue(parameters, "policy", TSTInfo.defaultValues("policy"));
* @type {MessageImprint}
* @description messageImprint
this.messageImprint = getParametersValue(parameters, "messageImprint", TSTInfo.defaultValues("messageImprint"));
* @type {Integer}
* @description serialNumber
this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, "serialNumber", TSTInfo.defaultValues("serialNumber"));
* @type {Date}
* @description genTime
this.genTime = getParametersValue(parameters, "genTime", TSTInfo.defaultValues("genTime"));
if("accuracy" in parameters)
* @type {Accuracy}
* @description accuracy
this.accuracy = getParametersValue(parameters, "accuracy", TSTInfo.defaultValues("accuracy"));
if("ordering" in parameters)
* @type {boolean}
* @description ordering
this.ordering = getParametersValue(parameters, "ordering", TSTInfo.defaultValues("ordering"));
if("nonce" in parameters)
* @type {Integer}
* @description nonce
this.nonce = getParametersValue(parameters, "nonce", TSTInfo.defaultValues("nonce"));
if("tsa" in parameters)
* @type {GeneralName}
* @description tsa
this.tsa = getParametersValue(parameters, "tsa", TSTInfo.defaultValues("tsa"));
if("extensions" in parameters)
* @type {Array.<Extension>}
* @description extensions
this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, "extensions", TSTInfo.defaultValues("extensions"));
//region If input argument array contains "schema" for this object
if("schema" in parameters)
* Return default values for all class members
* @param {string} memberName String name for a class member
static defaultValues(memberName)
case "version":
return 0;
case "policy":
return "";
case "messageImprint":
return new MessageImprint();
case "serialNumber":
return new asn1js.Integer();
case "genTime":
return new Date(0, 0, 0);
case "accuracy":
return new Accuracy();
case "ordering":
return false;
case "nonce":
return new asn1js.Integer();
case "tsa":
return new GeneralName();
case "extensions":
return [];
throw new Error(`Invalid member name for TSTInfo class: ${memberName}`);
* Compare values with default values for all class members
* @param {string} memberName String name for a class member
* @param {*} memberValue Value to compare with default value
static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue)
case "version":
case "policy":
case "genTime":
case "ordering":
return (memberValue === TSTInfo.defaultValues(memberName));
case "messageImprint":
return ((MessageImprint.compareWithDefault("hashAlgorithm", memberValue.hashAlgorithm)) &&
(MessageImprint.compareWithDefault("hashedMessage", memberValue.hashedMessage)));
case "serialNumber":
case "nonce":
return (memberValue.isEqual(TSTInfo.defaultValues(memberName)));
case "accuracy":
return ((Accuracy.compareWithDefault("seconds", memberValue.seconds)) &&
(Accuracy.compareWithDefault("millis", memberValue.millis)) &&
(Accuracy.compareWithDefault("micros", memberValue.micros)));
case "tsa":
return ((GeneralName.compareWithDefault("type", memberValue.type)) &&
(GeneralName.compareWithDefault("value", memberValue.value)));
case "extensions":
return (memberValue.length === 0);
throw new Error(`Invalid member name for TSTInfo class: ${memberName}`);
* Return value of asn1js schema for current class
* @param {Object} parameters Input parameters for the schema
* @returns {Object} asn1js schema object
static schema(parameters = {})
//TSTInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
// version INTEGER { v1(1) },
// policy TSAPolicyId,
// messageImprint MessageImprint,
// serialNumber INTEGER,
// genTime GeneralizedTime,
// accuracy Accuracy OPTIONAL,
// tsa [0] GeneralName OPTIONAL,
// extensions [1] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL }
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} [blockName]
* @property {string} [version]
* @property {string} [policy]
* @property {string} [messageImprint]
* @property {string} [serialNumber]
* @property {string} [genTime]
* @property {string} [accuracy]
* @property {string} [ordering]
* @property {string} [nonce]
* @property {string} [tsa]
* @property {string} [extensions]
const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {});
return (new asn1js.Sequence({
name: (names.blockName || "TSTInfo"),
value: [
new asn1js.Integer({ name: (names.version || "TSTInfo.version") }),
new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.policy || "TSTInfo.policy") }),
MessageImprint.schema(names.messageImprint || {
names: {
blockName: "TSTInfo.messageImprint"
new asn1js.Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || "TSTInfo.serialNumber") }),
new asn1js.GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.genTime || "TSTInfo.genTime") }),
Accuracy.schema(names.accuracy || {
names: {
blockName: "TSTInfo.accuracy"
new asn1js.Boolean({
name: (names.ordering || "TSTInfo.ordering"),
optional: true
new asn1js.Integer({
name: (names.nonce || "TSTInfo.nonce"),
optional: true
new asn1js.Constructed({
optional: true,
idBlock: {
tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
tagNumber: 0 // [0]
value: [GeneralName.schema(names.tsa || {
names: {
blockName: "TSTInfo.tsa"
new asn1js.Constructed({
optional: true,
idBlock: {
tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
tagNumber: 1 // [1]
value: [
new asn1js.Repeated({
name: (names.extensions || "TSTInfo.extensions"),
value: Extension.schema(names.extension || {})
}) // IMPLICIT Extensions
* Convert parsed asn1js object into current class
* @param {!Object} schema
//region Clear input data first
clearProps(schema, [
//region Check the schema is valid
const asn1 = asn1js.compareSchema(schema,
if(asn1.verified === false)
throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for TSTInfo");
//region Get internal properties from parsed schema
this.version = asn1.result["TSTInfo.version"].valueBlock.valueDec;
this.policy = asn1.result["TSTInfo.policy"].valueBlock.toString();
this.messageImprint = new MessageImprint({ schema: asn1.result["TSTInfo.messageImprint"] });
this.serialNumber = asn1.result["TSTInfo.serialNumber"];
this.genTime = asn1.result["TSTInfo.genTime"].toDate();
if("TSTInfo.accuracy" in asn1.result)
this.accuracy = new Accuracy({ schema: asn1.result["TSTInfo.accuracy"] });
if("TSTInfo.ordering" in asn1.result)
this.ordering = asn1.result["TSTInfo.ordering"].valueBlock.value;
if("TSTInfo.nonce" in asn1.result)
this.nonce = asn1.result["TSTInfo.nonce"];
if("TSTInfo.tsa" in asn1.result)
this.tsa = new GeneralName({ schema: asn1.result["TSTInfo.tsa"] });
if("TSTInfo.extensions" in asn1.result)
this.extensions = Array.from(asn1.result["TSTInfo.extensions"], element => new Extension({ schema: element }));
* Convert current object to asn1js object and set correct values
* @returns {Object} asn1js object
//region Create array for output sequence
const outputArray = [];
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Integer({ value: this.version }));
outputArray.push(new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.policy }));
outputArray.push(new asn1js.GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.genTime }));
if("accuracy" in this)
if("ordering" in this)
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Boolean({ value: this.ordering }));
if("nonce" in this)
if("tsa" in this)
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
optional: true,
idBlock: {
tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
tagNumber: 0 // [0]
value: [this.tsa.toSchema()]
//region Create array of extensions
if("extensions" in this)
outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
optional: true,
idBlock: {
tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
tagNumber: 1 // [1]
value: Array.from(this.extensions, element => element.toSchema())
//region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object
return (new asn1js.Sequence({
value: outputArray
* Convertion for the class to JSON object
* @returns {Object}
const _object = {
version: this.version,
policy: this.policy,
messageImprint: this.messageImprint.toJSON(),
serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON(),
genTime: this.genTime
if("accuracy" in this)
_object.accuracy = this.accuracy.toJSON();
if("ordering" in this)
_object.ordering = this.ordering;
if("nonce" in this)
_object.nonce = this.nonce.toJSON();
if("tsa" in this)
_object.tsa = this.tsa.toJSON();
if("extensions" in this)
_object.extensions = Array.from(this.extensions, element => element.toJSON());
return _object;
* Verify current TST Info value
* @param {{data: ArrayBuffer, notBefore: Date, notAfter: Date}} parameters Input parameters
* @returns {Promise}
verify(parameters = {})
//region Initial variables
let sequence = Promise.resolve();
let data;
let notBefore = null;
let notAfter = null;
//region Get a "crypto" extension
const crypto = getCrypto();
if(typeof crypto === "undefined")
return Promise.reject("Unable to create WebCrypto object");
//region Get initial parameters
if("data" in parameters)
data =;
return Promise.reject("\"data\" is a mandatory attribute for TST_INFO verification");
if("notBefore" in parameters)
notBefore = parameters.notBefore;
if("notAfter" in parameters)
notAfter = parameters.notAfter;
//region Check date
if(notBefore !== null)
if(this.genTime < notBefore)
return Promise.reject("Generation time for TSTInfo object is less than notBefore value");
if(notAfter !== null)
if(this.genTime > notAfter)
return Promise.reject("Generation time for TSTInfo object is more than notAfter value");
//region Find hashing algorithm
const shaAlgorithm = getAlgorithmByOID(this.messageImprint.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in shaAlgorithm) === false)
return Promise.reject(`Unsupported signature algorithm: ${this.messageImprint.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
//region Calculate message digest for input "data" buffer
// noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
sequence = sequence.then(() =>
crypto.digest(, new Uint8Array(data))
result => isEqualBuffer(result, this.messageImprint.hashedMessage.valueBlock.valueHex)
return sequence;