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import * as asn1js from "asn1js";
import { utilConcatBuf } from "pvutils";
import CryptoEngine from "./CryptoEngine.js";
//region Crypto engine related function
let engine = {
	name: "none",
	crypto: null,
	subtle: null
export function setEngine(name, crypto, subtle)
	//region We are in Node
	// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
	if((typeof process !== "undefined") && ("pid" in process) && (typeof global !== "undefined"))
		// noinspection ES6ModulesDependencies, JSUnresolvedVariable
		if(typeof global[process.pid] === "undefined")
			// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			global[process.pid] = {};
			// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			if(typeof global[process.pid] !== "object")
				// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
				throw new Error(`Name global.${process.pid} already exists and it is not an object`);
		// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
		if(typeof global[process.pid].pkijs === "undefined")
			// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			global[process.pid].pkijs = {};
			// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			if(typeof global[process.pid].pkijs !== "object")
				// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
				throw new Error(`Name global.${process.pid}.pkijs already exists and it is not an object`);
		// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
		global[process.pid].pkijs.engine = {
			name: name,
			crypto: crypto,
			subtle: subtle
	//region We are in browser
		engine = {
			name: name,
			crypto: crypto,
			subtle: subtle
export function getEngine()
	//region We are in Node
	// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
	if((typeof process !== "undefined") && ("pid" in process) && (typeof global !== "undefined"))
		let _engine;
			// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			_engine = global[process.pid].pkijs.engine;
			throw new Error("Please call \"setEngine\" before call to \"getEngine\"");
		return _engine;
	return engine;
(function initCryptoEngine()
	if(typeof self !== "undefined")
		if("crypto" in self)
			let engineName = "webcrypto";
			 * Standard crypto object
			 * @type {Object}
			 * @property {Object} [webkitSubtle] Subtle object from Apple
			const cryptoObject = self.crypto;
			let subtleObject = null;
			// Apple Safari support
			if("webkitSubtle" in self.crypto)
					subtleObject = self.crypto.webkitSubtle;
					subtleObject = self.crypto.subtle;
				engineName = "safari";
			if("subtle" in self.crypto)
				subtleObject = self.crypto.subtle;
			engine = {
				name: engineName,
				crypto: cryptoObject,
				subtle: new CryptoEngine({ name: engineName, crypto: self.crypto, subtle: subtleObject })
	setEngine(engine.name, engine.crypto, engine.subtle);
//region Declaration of common functions
 * Get crypto subtle from current "crypto engine" or "undefined"
 * @returns {({decrypt, deriveKey, digest, encrypt, exportKey, generateKey, importKey, sign, unwrapKey, verify, wrapKey}|null)}
export function getCrypto()
	const _engine = getEngine();
	if(_engine.subtle !== null)
		return _engine.subtle;
	return undefined;
 * Initialize input Uint8Array by random values (with help from current "crypto engine")
 * @param {!Uint8Array} view
 * @returns {*}
export function getRandomValues(view)
	return getEngine().subtle.getRandomValues(view);
 * Get OID for each specific algorithm
 * @param {Object} algorithm
 * @returns {string}
export function getOIDByAlgorithm(algorithm)
	return getEngine().subtle.getOIDByAlgorithm(algorithm);
 * Get default algorithm parameters for each kind of operation
 * @param {string} algorithmName Algorithm name to get common parameters for
 * @param {string} operation Kind of operation: "sign", "encrypt", "generatekey", "importkey", "exportkey", "verify"
 * @returns {*}
export function getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmName, operation)
	return getEngine().subtle.getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmName, operation);
 * Create CMS ECDSA signature from WebCrypto ECDSA signature
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} signatureBuffer WebCrypto result of "sign" function
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer}
export function createCMSECDSASignature(signatureBuffer)
	//region Initial check for correct length
	if((signatureBuffer.byteLength % 2) !== 0)
		return new ArrayBuffer(0);
	//region Initial variables
	const length = signatureBuffer.byteLength / 2; // There are two equal parts inside incoming ArrayBuffer
	const rBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length);
	const rView = new Uint8Array(rBuffer);
	rView.set(new Uint8Array(signatureBuffer, 0, length));
	const rInteger = new asn1js.Integer({ valueHex: rBuffer });
	const sBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length);
	const sView = new Uint8Array(sBuffer);
	sView.set(new Uint8Array(signatureBuffer, length, length));
	const sInteger = new asn1js.Integer({ valueHex: sBuffer });
	return (new asn1js.Sequence({
		value: [
 * String preparation function. In a future here will be realization of algorithm from RFC4518
 * @param {string} inputString JavaScript string. As soon as for each ASN.1 string type we have a specific transformation function here we will work with pure JavaScript string
 * @returns {string} Formated string
export function stringPrep(inputString)
	//region Initial variables
	let isSpace = false;
	let cuttedResult = "";
	const result = inputString.trim(); // Trim input string
	//region Change all sequence of SPACE down to SPACE char
	for(let i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
		if(result.charCodeAt(i) === 32)
			if(isSpace === false)
				isSpace = true;
				cuttedResult += " ";
				isSpace = false;
			cuttedResult += result[i];
	return cuttedResult.toLowerCase();
 * Create a single ArrayBuffer from CMS ECDSA signature
 * @param {Sequence} cmsSignature ASN.1 SEQUENCE contains CMS ECDSA signature
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer}
export function createECDSASignatureFromCMS(cmsSignature)
	//region Check input variables
	if((cmsSignature instanceof asn1js.Sequence) === false)
		return new ArrayBuffer(0);
	if(cmsSignature.valueBlock.value.length !== 2)
		return new ArrayBuffer(0);
	if((cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof asn1js.Integer) === false)
		return new ArrayBuffer(0);
	if((cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[1] instanceof asn1js.Integer) === false)
		return new ArrayBuffer(0);
	const rValue = cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[0].convertFromDER();
	const sValue = cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[1].convertFromDER();
	//region Check the lengths of two parts are equal
		case (rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength < sValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength):
				if((sValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength - rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength) !== 1)
					throw new Error("Incorrect DER integer decoding");
				const correctedLength = sValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength;
				const rValueView = new Uint8Array(rValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
				const rValueBufferCorrected = new ArrayBuffer(correctedLength);
				const rValueViewCorrected = new Uint8Array(rValueBufferCorrected);
				rValueViewCorrected.set(rValueView, 1);
				rValueViewCorrected[0] = 0x00; // In order to be sure we do not have any garbage here
				return utilConcatBuf(rValueBufferCorrected, sValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
		case (rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength > sValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength):
				if((rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength - sValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength) !== 1)
					throw new Error("Incorrect DER integer decoding");
				const correctedLength = rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength;
				const sValueView = new Uint8Array(sValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
				const sValueBufferCorrected = new ArrayBuffer(correctedLength);
				const sValueViewCorrected = new Uint8Array(sValueBufferCorrected);
				sValueViewCorrected.set(sValueView, 1);
				sValueViewCorrected[0] = 0x00; // In order to be sure we do not have any garbage here
				return utilConcatBuf(rValue.valueBlock.valueHex, sValueBufferCorrected);
				//region In case we have equal length and the length is not even with 2
				if(rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength % 2)
					const correctedLength = (rValue.valueBlock.valueHex.byteLength + 1);
					const rValueView = new Uint8Array(rValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
					const rValueBufferCorrected = new ArrayBuffer(correctedLength);
					const rValueViewCorrected = new Uint8Array(rValueBufferCorrected);
					rValueViewCorrected.set(rValueView, 1);
					rValueViewCorrected[0] = 0x00; // In order to be sure we do not have any garbage here
					const sValueView = new Uint8Array(sValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
					const sValueBufferCorrected = new ArrayBuffer(correctedLength);
					const sValueViewCorrected = new Uint8Array(sValueBufferCorrected);
					sValueViewCorrected.set(sValueView, 1);
					sValueViewCorrected[0] = 0x00; // In order to be sure we do not have any garbage here
					return utilConcatBuf(rValueBufferCorrected, sValueBufferCorrected);
	return utilConcatBuf(rValue.valueBlock.valueHex, sValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
 * Get WebCrypto algorithm by wel-known OID
 * @param {string} oid well-known OID to search for
 * @returns {Object}
export function getAlgorithmByOID(oid)
	return getEngine().subtle.getAlgorithmByOID(oid);
 * Getting hash algorithm by signature algorithm
 * @param {AlgorithmIdentifier} signatureAlgorithm Signature algorithm
 * @returns {string}
export function getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm)
	return getEngine().subtle.getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm);
 * ANS X9.63 Key Derivation Function having a "Counter" as a parameter
 * @param {string} hashFunction Used hash function
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} Zbuffer ArrayBuffer containing ECDH shared secret to derive from
 * @param {number} Counter
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} SharedInfo Usually DER encoded "ECC_CMS_SharedInfo" structure
export function kdfWithCounter(hashFunction, Zbuffer, Counter, SharedInfo)
	//region Check of input parameters
		case "SHA-1":
		case "SHA-256":
		case "SHA-384":
		case "SHA-512":
			return Promise.reject(`Unknown hash function: ${hashFunction}`);
	if((Zbuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) === false)
		return Promise.reject("Please set \"Zbuffer\" as \"ArrayBuffer\"");
	if(Zbuffer.byteLength === 0)
		return Promise.reject("\"Zbuffer\" has zero length, error");
	if((SharedInfo instanceof ArrayBuffer) === false)
		return Promise.reject("Please set \"SharedInfo\" as \"ArrayBuffer\"");
	if(Counter > 255)
		return Promise.reject("Please set \"Counter\" variable to value less or equal to 255");
	//region Initial variables
	const counterBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
	const counterView = new Uint8Array(counterBuffer);
	counterView[0] = 0x00;
	counterView[1] = 0x00;
	counterView[2] = 0x00;
	counterView[3] = Counter;
	let combinedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
	//region Get a "crypto" extension
	const crypto = getCrypto();
	if(typeof crypto === "undefined")
		return Promise.reject("Unable to create WebCrypto object");
	//region Create a combined ArrayBuffer for digesting
	combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, Zbuffer);
	combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, counterBuffer);
	combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, SharedInfo);
	//region Return digest of combined ArrayBuffer and information about current counter
	return crypto.digest({
		name: hashFunction
		.then(result =>
				counter: Counter,
 * ANS X9.63 Key Derivation Function
 * @param {string} hashFunction Used hash function
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} Zbuffer ArrayBuffer containing ECDH shared secret to derive from
 * @param {number} keydatalen Length (!!! in BITS !!!) of used kew derivation function
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} SharedInfo Usually DER encoded "ECC_CMS_SharedInfo" structure
export function kdf(hashFunction, Zbuffer, keydatalen, SharedInfo)
	//region Initial variables
	let hashLength = 0;
	let maxCounter = 1;
	const kdfArray = [];
	//region Check of input parameters
		case "SHA-1":
			hashLength = 160; // In bits
		case "SHA-256":
			hashLength = 256; // In bits
		case "SHA-384":
			hashLength = 384; // In bits
		case "SHA-512":
			hashLength = 512; // In bits
			return Promise.reject(`Unknown hash function: ${hashFunction}`);
	if((Zbuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) === false)
		return Promise.reject("Please set \"Zbuffer\" as \"ArrayBuffer\"");
	if(Zbuffer.byteLength === 0)
		return Promise.reject("\"Zbuffer\" has zero length, error");
	if((SharedInfo instanceof ArrayBuffer) === false)
		return Promise.reject("Please set \"SharedInfo\" as \"ArrayBuffer\"");
	//region Calculated maximum value of "Counter" variable
	const quotient = keydatalen / hashLength;
	if(Math.floor(quotient) > 0)
		maxCounter = Math.floor(quotient);
		if((quotient - maxCounter) > 0)
	//region Create an array of "kdfWithCounter"
	for(let i = 1; i <= maxCounter; i++)
		kdfArray.push(kdfWithCounter(hashFunction, Zbuffer, i, SharedInfo));
	//region Return combined digest with specified length
	return Promise.all(kdfArray).then(incomingResult =>
		//region Initial variables
		let combinedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
		let currentCounter = 1;
		let found = true;
		//region Combine all buffer together
			found = false;
			for(const result of incomingResult)
				if(result.counter === currentCounter)
					combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, result.result);
					found = true;
		//region Create output buffer with specified length
		keydatalen >>= 3; // Divide by 8 since "keydatalen" is in bits
		if(combinedBuffer.byteLength > keydatalen)
			const newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(keydatalen);
			const newView = new Uint8Array(newBuffer);
			const combinedView = new Uint8Array(combinedBuffer);
			for(let i = 0; i < keydatalen; i++)
				newView[i] = combinedView[i];
			return newBuffer;
		return combinedBuffer; // Since the situation when "combinedBuffer.byteLength < keydatalen" here we have only "combinedBuffer.byteLength === keydatalen"